Friday, March 23, 2012

To Be a Pilgrim

Today we are off to Canterbury. I know this place solely because of the name and stories I read in college. Canterbury Tales has been read for centuries by children and adults. The truth is these stories were told while Pilgrims traveled Canterbury to visit the shrine to the "holy blissful Martyr" Thomas Becket. My wife has tattooed on her wrist "every journey is a pilgrimage" and the idea of journey has been a constant in the last 10 years. To journey is to travel in some way to some place, but not necessarily physical. Sometimes our journey is happening internally. We have a spiritual journey that coincides with our physical lives. We are consistently moving somewhere both physically and spiritually.

This particular physical journey the last week has been mostly a spiritual one as well. To imagine myself worshipping in these gigantic cathedrals, walking these roads, and sleeping in a castle that so many have done before so long ago and has struck me on a spiritual level. God presence in my life, Gods presence in these places of worship, Gods presence on this spiritual journey has been felt and longed after for quite some time. I have always had a desire to seek God, even in my darkest times of self-destruction I have sought God. I always knew deep down somewhere that God was present in my life but I didn't know how to have a relationship with him. I did not know how to build that relationship, I did not know how to cultivate a relationship that would allow me to feel and know his presence.

This past week I have seen places of worship, ancient castles, unexplainable stones, and heard some of the most majestic hymns that struck a chord deep within me now understanding that God is present and God has always been present and that God will always be present. I am responsible to listen for him and trust that he is there. I am responsible to be open to the movement of Gods spirit in me and allow me to let go and let God. To be a pilgrim is to journey somewhere in hopes to find that meaning and purpose of existence, worship, and adulation. This pilgrimage of this past week has been that for me. I hope that it can continue among the chaos and pressures of everyday life and work. A true pilgrim, which I hope to be, will see those as just that work and pressure but not the purpose and meaning of my life.

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